25 Most Famous Humanitarians of All Time
We all have a humanitarian side whether it is writing a check to our favorite charity or volunteering our time to worthy causes. Then there are those who take humanitarianism to a whole new level. Whether by selfless acts or billion dollar checks that can change the course of entire nations, it is daunting to think of what the world would be like if there were no people who took it upon themselves to make a difference.
Although no one person or even group of people could hold the title, we have done our best to select the 25 most famous humanitarians who have significantly contributed to society. Their dedication to improving lives aligns closely with the mission of Human Services, focusing on enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. These remarkable figures have championed causes ranging from poverty alleviation to education, embodying the values central to the field of Human Services.
Current Most Famous Humanitarians of All Time
These famous humanitarians continue to make headlines with all of their good deeds and are listed mostly by amount donated.
Bill Gates
Few other humanitarians can match their talk of good deeds with the actual amount the founder of Microsoft has put up. While the exact total donated or pledged is hard to gauge, it is at least $29 billion, according to I4U News. Although Gates donates to a variety of causes, one of his most devoted causes is the fight against malaria. As part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, he has received various awards for his humanitarian efforts. You can check out more on “60 Minutes,” which estimates he will give away $60 billion.
Warren Buffett
What do you have to do to inherit 85 percent of a $44 billion fortune? The short answer is prove to Warren Buffett that your humanitarian cause is worth it. The 75 year old billionaire is well known for his sound investing and practical advice. However, in humanitarian circles he might be better known for pledging most of his earnings to charity. The bulk of the fortune is planned to be given to the Gates Foundation and other related organizations which focus on world health. Other charities on the giving list include foundations headed by Buffett’s three children, Susan, Howard, and Peter, and to the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation.
Chuck Feeney
While some humanitarians will name the foundations they founded after themselves or a family member, he is reluctant to do so. The same goes with having wings, buildings, or even a plaque in his honor erected at the universities or hospitals he has donated hundreds of millions to. Worth at least $8 billion, he is a founder of Duty Free Shoppers. The board of his foundation has instructions to give away every penny by 2016.
George Soros
Although his critics have loads to say about what Soros is actually funding, the billionaire is estimated to have given away over six billion to humanitarian efforts. The Chairman of Soros Fund Management, LLC, he is one of the world’s most successful financiers. The Open Society Foundation is his humanitarian organization and supports democracy and human rights in over 70 countries.
Richard Branson
The man behind the Virgin Group has been well known for many stunts, but humanitarian efforts also land him on the list. According to the Power of Giving, he pledged that all his profits from his train and airline businesses would be donated to charity. The estimated worth is three billion dollars. The cause is ironically enough global warming.
Jon Huntsman, Sr.
This humanitarian has long been giving away his money, which totals well into the billion dollar range. Founder of a global chemical manufacturer, his serious giving days began in 1992 when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. On his way to the hospital, he gave a one million dollar check to a homeless shelter, another million to a soup kitchen, and $500,000 to the clinic that first found the malignancy. Huntsman would go on to found his own cancer foundation, which cost him more than one billion dollars alone. His donations have even gone so far as to knock him of the Forbes list of wealthiest individuals.
Gordon Moore
He is probably better known as the cofounder of Intel. Along with his wife, Betty, their foundation has contributed over $1 billion and countless hours toward the goal of improving the quality of life for future generations. With a goal of making a difference in environmental conservation, science, and the San Francisco area, millions more have been given by Moore outside the foundation. He is also the recipient of the 2007 James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award
The front man for the band U2 has made no secret of his humanitarian efforts. Using both his fame and his own fortune, he has fought everything from war to disease. At barely 50 years old, he has a long running record of worthy humanitarian efforts that far make up for the lack of billion dollar wealth. Just a few include efforts to quell famine in Ethiopia, AIDS in Africa, and the environment. Lisa Germinsky of Tonic even has a list of Bono’s top ten humanitarian efforts.
Past Most Famous Humanitarians of All Time
Although these humanitarians are no longer with us, their deeds still live on today.
Mother Teresa
She proves that you don’t need to be a billionaire to be one of the greatest humanitarians of all time. Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, she became a nun and was granted permission to provide food for the needy. The Missionaries of Charity then began in India and would later grow to have branches in 50 Indian cities and 30 other countries. A recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, her philosophy of actively helping the poor in every way is by far her greatest humanitarian contribution.
Mahatma Gandhi
He again proved that you don’t have to have a lot of money to make a difference. This humanitarian is best known for using non-violent practices to end the British occupation of India. What began as a stay in South Africa to earn his rights as British citizen grew to a movement that would capture the world’s attention. He is also the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Much like the above, he is best known for his practice of non-violence as a protest against injustice. As a pastor for a church in Alabama, he was one of the first to defend Rosa Parks. His role in the American civil rights movement would later grow and he would give the “I Have a Dream” speech that has inspired so many other humanitarians. Also like Gandhi, Dr. King received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Oskar Schindler
More than a topic of Hollywood films, he was a saver of lives when it was of great danger for him to do so. A factory owner and member of the Nazi party, he seemed to be unlikely to be one of the greatest humanitarians of all time. After a change of conscience, Schindler used his factory as a way to employ Jews and keep them from being sent to the deadly Auschwitz camp. The simple act went unsung for a long time, but the over one thousand people he saved and their families still sing his praises.
Per Anger
Much like the above, he is accredited with saving the lives of many Jewish people during World War II. Along with colleagues, Anger fabricated Swedish passports that allowed Jews to leave occupied countries and find safe haven in Sweden. For his efforts, he won many humanitarian awards including from Israel, Hungary, and the United States.
Andrew Carnegie
Chances are if the building has the name on it, it was founded by him. In the 19th century, Andrew Carnegie was the richest man in the world and made his fortune at the dawn of the industrial age. In addition to giving away millions of dollars, which was unheard of at that time, he was one of the first wealthy men to believe it was a disgrace to die rich.
Johns Hopkins
Although his name is often associated with medical, he amassed with wealth through banking and smart investing. Out of his eight million dollar wealth, also a significant amount at the time, he left seven million to endow a university, a hospital, and medical school. After his death in 1873, the will was carried out and the institutions still stand today.
Paul Newman
One of Hollywood’s all-time greatest leading men was also a great humanitarian. After starring in many movies from “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” to “Cars,” Paul Newman enjoyed a long and successful acting career. However, in 1982 he wanted more. That year, he cofounded Newman’s Own food products which most famously made salad dressing. Throughout the years, profits were used to donate over $250 million to charities and are still being generated today. Newman also sponsored eleven Hole-in-the-Wall camps worldwide that helped thousands of children with incurable diseases experience outdoor activities.
Specialty Most Famous Humanitarians of All Time
These famous humanitarians have a specific cause that they are known for.
Al Gore
He will always be known as the former Vice President of the United States, but his humanitarian efforts on behalf of the environment have won him many awards. A speech given was the basis for the award winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” and Gore often travels to speak and discuss how climate change and poverty can be combated at the same time. The blogger at Triple Pundit has more.
Oprah Winfrey
In 2003, the talk show host became the first African American woman to become a billionaire. In addition to breaking many other barriers, Winfrey is also well known for her humanitarian efforts. One of her best known accomplishments was the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa. She also has her own foundation which donates millions to fight poverty, build dreams, and much more.
Muhammad Yunus
While micro finance may sound like a fancy Wall Street term, it was actually given a global forum when Dr. Yunus brought it center stage. It is the practice of giving the poor small loans in order to improve their own lives. As founder of the Grameen Bank, he has done just that providing numerous loans and doing and immeasurable amount of good. It also won him a Nobel Prize and a guest spot on “The Simpsons.”
Gary Sinise
In addition to being an accomplished actor starring in films like “Forrest Gump” and currently “CSI: New York,” he is one of the most outspoken advocates of military and humanitarian efforts overseas. He is known to often visit troops even in dangerous areas and has given loads of time and money to worthy causes. A few include bringing school supplies to needy children overseas and providing prosthetics to wounded soldiers.
Wayne Newton
Although it is impossible to replace Bob Hope as the face of the USO, no one has done a better job of trying than Wayne Newton. The ever popular singer can sell out Vegas stadiums but truly makes his humanitarian mark when performing for the troops. A few highlights of his service for the USO include performing for 25,000 members in 1983 after the attacks in Beirut, serving as Chairman of the USO Celebrity Circle, and being the first USO performer to go to Afghanistan.
Jeff Skoll
Because the children are the future and education shapes that future, there is Jeff Skoll. He is the man behind the well-received document entitled “Waiting for Superman.” He made his billions as one of the original eBay employees. Skoll now spends his time and fortune making hard hitting documentaries that have won him notoriety. He has also signed a pledge leaving much of his wealth to charity.
Kristine Pearson
While many of us have ditched old-fashioned radios for iPods, a single radio can make a huge difference for the impoverished people of Africa. This was the cause the executive director of the FreePlay Foundation sought to overcome. Knowing how valuable education and information was for developing countries, Pearson helped develop a radio that allowed these programs to be played in villages, even if there was no power. There are now almost 100,000 Lifeline radios committed to various humanitarian projects in developing countries, with over two million listeners.
Tom Shadyac
Young Hollywood hopefuls head to the city every year to do what he has done: become a well-respected and successful director. With credits such as “Ace Ventura” and “The Nutty Professor,” Shadyac seemed to have it all, including a 17,000-square foot mansion in Los Angeles. However, things changed for him after a bicycle accident. He began questioning the hypocrisy in his own life and traded his mansion for a trailer in Malibu. Earlier this year, he released a documentary entitled “I Am” with more on the philosophy.
Karl Rabeder
Never heard of him? Neither have most people. Many people say money is the root of all woes, but few prove it like he does. This Australian millionaire found no happiness in all his wealth, so he wanted to give it away. This includes a luxury villa, stone farmhouse, gliders, and luxury car. The proceeds are going to charities in Central and South America and Rabeder himself plans to live in a small wooden hut.
Although no list of greatest humanitarians can ever truly be complete, we hope we have included at least some of your favorites in the above 25 most famous humanitarians of all time.
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The 20 Hiking Trails Every American Hiker Must Try
Whether you are looking to have an adventurous weekend or cross something off of your bucket list, nature is, and probably should be, involved. One of the best ways to get back to it is to go on a hike. With literally thousands of trails taking anywhere from hours to months to complete, it can all be somewhat to very confusing. With little money and less time at stake for most hikers, what is the best way to get the biggest bang for your buck/minute?
No matter what your skill level, there are loads of options in the below 20 hiking trails every American hiker must try, you may also like to visit to learn more hiking skills online. With entries from local national parks to ancient cities overseas, there is something for every budget and sensibility. Be sure and read up more before actually heading out, as some of these trails are expert only, but be ready to wear out your favorite pair hiking boots in no time.
The American Hiking Trails Every American Hiker Must Try
Stay in the 50 states for these impressive hiking trails.
1. Appalachian Trail
A constantly popular trail, it offers unparalleled opportunities to explore, experience, and connect with nature. From the Highlands of Roan in Tennessee to the strenuous trek up Katahdin in Maine, there’s a hike available for every level of experience. With loads of trails to choose from, visitors can do them in an afternoon, weekend, or even season. Simply visit the site to begin planning your hike and get loads more information.
2. Kalalau Trail
Who says hiking is all forests and mountains? In this must see Hawaiian trail, hikers go from beach to beach. Trails of two to five miles offer cliffs, valleys, waterfalls, streams, and other breathtaking views. There are even hunting options for those who enjoy archery.
3. Glacier Gorge
If the beach is too warm for you, click here. Part of the Rocky Mountain National Park, mountains, waterfalls, wildflowers, and more await you on this hike. The park also has loads of other trails to choose from including everything from the easy to vertical climbs. You can also choose trails by season and check out the webcams.
Zion Hiking
Get an up close look at the narrows of the American Southwest on these hikes. The diverse trek through Zion’s premier canyon is one of the most touted and breathtaking adventures in the United States. It greets hikers with hanging gardens, trickling water threads, sandy perches, and much more. The national park website has much more on lodging, camping, and anything else you may want to do there.
Wrangell St. Elias National Park
Why let Sarah Palin have all the fun? This Alaskan national park is six times the size of Yellowstone, has some of the tallest mountains in the world, and is home to many glaciers. Literally go off the beaten path through dense brush, steep slopes, glacial streams, and more. The park is also home to 14,185 square miles of designated wilderness, more than any other unit within the National Park Service system.
Continental Divide Trail
Got some time to kill and countryside to see? Then check out this trail that goes from the Southern part of New Mexico all the way through Montana and into Canada. Over 3,100 miles long, there is no need to do the entire thing at once. The site offers hiking and other related adventures by state.
John Muir Trail
The trail starts in America’s Yosemite National Park and continues 215 miles through the Ansel Adams Wilderness. It then extends to Sequoia National Park, King’s Canyon National Park, and ends at the highest peak in continental United States, Mount Whitney at 14,496 feet. The 30 day hike is not for beginners, but those who are brave enough to take it on will see mountains, lakes, snow, sun, and everything in between.
Napa Valley Hiking
Where can you hike and drink on the same trip? With a tour of California’s wine country. The best hiking trial is Bothe–Napa Valley State Park. Rising from the valley floor to about 2,000 feet elevation, this outstanding park is fully developed along one side, wild and rugged on the other. There is also loads of wine country to explore.
The Mountain Hiking Trails Every American Hiker Must Try
Hiking, climbing, and the ultimate outdoor experiences combine on these hiking trails.
Mount Everest
The highest mountain in the world, it stands at 29,028 feet high. Located in Khumbu, Nepal, there are many hikes around the base of the mountain that do not require the risk or steep price tag. Visits on the base trail can include Kathmandu, Phakding, Namche Bazaar, and others. Recommended times of visit include from the beginning of March to mid-May and again from the beginning of September to mid-November.
Tour du Mont Blanc
How can you see France, Italy, and Switzerland all at once? By taking on this hiking trail. Called “one of the most exciting long distance wilderness walks in Europe,” the trip takes about eleven days. Highlights of the trail include staying in refuges, alpine climbs, and stunning views. This site has loads more on everything you will need.
Mount Kilimanjaro
Kilimanjaro is one of the world’s most accessible high summits at 19,336 feet. Most hikers can reach the crater rim with little more than a walking stick, proper clothing, and determination. For those with more experience, there is Uhuru Point, the actual summit on the lip of the crater. Located in Tanzania, there are six hiking trails and mountain routes. They also offer day or overnight hikes on the Shira plateau as well as trout fishing.
Monte Fitz Roy
Located in Argentina, Fitz Roy is at the northern tip of gorgeous Parque Nacional Los Glaciers. It is part of Hielo Sur, the largest icecap not in a polar region. Standout features of the hike include jagged mountain views, suitable for hikers of different experience, no need to filter water, and its inexpensiveness. This site has more on when and where to go, as well as what to see while you are there.
Silverton Mountain
Why just hike a mountain when you can also ski down it? Located in Colorado, this mountain offers amazing skiing opportunities, including a cross of heli-skiing experience, snow cat skiing, and resort skiing. There are no groomed runs, no cut trails, just loads of nature’s finest black diamond skiing in the U.S.A. Three to six runs a day are offered to visitors, along with other outdoor activities.
North Island
Does the idea of dormant mountains bore you? Then check out this hike located in New Zealand. Walk through fascinating volcanic landscape while touring the famous Tongariro Crossing. There is also the Waitomo caves, lakes, and loads more on the local Maori culture. Although this site offers a five day hike, there are also many other ways to see it.
Tiger Leaping Gorge
The Tiger Leaping Gorge trek, or Pinyin: Hu Tiao Xia, is near Lijiang in Yunnan and one of the finest treks through some of the most naturally beautiful and diverse landscapes China has to offer. The hiking trail runs high on the northern side of the gorge passing through quiet villages, shady forest, a blustery precipice, and farmland. The trail can be spread out for two days and there are also options for more adventurous hikers.
The Other Hiking Trails Every American Hiker Must Try
Get the best of the rest in hiking in these must see trails.
West Coast Trail
Often a top choice for hikers, this trail is located in British Columbia, Canada. It stands out for its rain forests, rugged coastlines, and dramatic mountain peaks. Other highlights include cross boulders, logs over rivers, waterfall hikes, whale watching, and even shipwrecks and other historical sites. It is over 75 miles long and part of the Pacific Rim National Park. Open from May 1st to September 30th, make your arrangements now.
The Great Wildebeest Migration
Sick of hiking with humans? Then stop here on a hike that encompasses the remote and rarely visited corners of Kenya as you follow the great wildebeest migration. Hike northern Kenya’s incredibly dramatic landscapes which include river beds, lush green forests, and mountain glades. Four wheel game driving is also part of the trip.
Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
Also known as the Camino Inca, this hiking trail every American must try includes three overlapping routes: Mollepata, Classic, and One Day. Located in the Andes mountain range, the trail passes through several types of environments including cloud forest and alpine tundra. Settlements, tunnels, and many Incan ruins are located along the trail before ending the terminus at the Sun Gate on Machu Picchu mountain.
Torres Del Paine Circuit
Check out this hiking trail for “the best view you’ve ever seen,” according to Backpacker Magazine. The 52-mile, ten day loop sits 1,500 miles south of Santiago and encircles the 8,000 to 10,000-foot granite monoliths of rock above glacial lakes studded with icebergs. Exotic wildlife, late sunsets, and much more await hikers on this trail.
Haute Route
Also known as the High Route, this trail runs from Chamonix, France to Zermatt, Switzerland. First discovered in the mid-19th century, hikers and cross country skiers have been visiting this 180 kilometer trail ever since. It contains valleys, lakes, and glaciers, along with top notch food and cultural interests. It also offers frequent stops to eat and rest, help keeping packs light and the trip easier.
If you need more help in narrowing down the 20 hiking trails every American must try, visit a site like Backpacker Magazine. They feature loads of expert reviews of top hiking destinations both locally and abroad. The community also chimes in with their top choices, picks, recommendations, hiking tips, and much more. You can also stop to blog about your latest hike.
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